The Constitution of the Republic of Singapore is a written one and this document sets out the organs of the state. The three organs of the state are: (1) the Executive (2) the Legislature (3) the Judiciary. The Constitution of the Republic of Singapore sets out the organs of the Government and one of the organs, the legislature, more commonly known as Parliament is where Singapore laws are made. The power of law-making in Singapore is vested in Parliament. An Act of Parliament is a Bill passed by Singapore Parliament and assented to by the President of Singapore. Acts of Parliament are the most important sources of Singapore law. Acts of Parliament are used to create new area of the law where none had existed previously. The Singapore Parliament also used Acts of Parliament to revise existing law. Acts of Parliament are also used to consolidate statutes. Acts of Parliament are also used to codify law. For example, the partnership law under the English common law was codified into the Partnership Act in Singapore. The Partnership Act is an example of a codifying statute.